Understanding Oral Cancer: Insights from Your Dentist in Hawarden
Oral cancer is a serious health issue, claiming one American life every hour of every day, according to the American Academy for Oral Systemic Health. Unfortunately, many cases go undetected until it’s too late, highlighting the crucial need for regular dental examinations. Early detection significantly increases the chances of successful treatment and long-term survival.
Here are some essential facts about oral cancer, including warning signs, trends, and preventative measures:
1. Oral Cancer is More Common in Men
While oral cancer poses a risk to everyone, statistics reveal that it affects men more frequently than women. The Oral Cancer Foundation notes a 2:1 ratio of men to women diagnosed with this disease. This disparity may be linked to higher rates of smoking and alcohol consumption among men. Regardless of gender, it’s important to be vigilant about oral health and request regular exams from your Dentist in Hawarden.
2. Approximately 450,000 New Cases Annually
With around 450,000 new cases reported each year, it’s likely that oral cancer has touched someone you know. Whether it’s a friend, family member, or colleague, understanding that they are not alone in their fight can be comforting.
3. Lifestyle Choices Impact Risk Levels
Your lifestyle choices significantly affect your risk of developing oral cancer. The Cancer Treatment Centers of America reports that about 80% of those with oral cancer are heavy smokers, and 70% are heavy drinkers. These statistics underscore the importance of quitting smoking and reducing alcohol consumption to lower your risk.
4. High Cure Rate with Early Detection
One of the key reasons oral cancer can be so aggressive is that it often remains undetected for too long. However, when identified early, the cure rate for oral cancer can be as high as 90%. Don’t ignore any unusual changes in your mouth; promptly consult your Dentist in Hawarden if you notice anything concerning.
Staying informed and vigilant is the best way to prevent and combat oral cancer. At Family 1st Dental – Hawarden, we are committed to your oral health and are here to support you in maintaining a healthy smile throughout your life. If you have any questions or need to schedule an appointment, please contact our office today.